
(Grade 1 – Grade 5)


As a Delsol Elementary Student, your child will spark a lifelong love of learning, build a supportive community and be challenged to grow both intellectually and personally.

Delsol’s elementary school program provides a wide array of educational experiences in an atmosphere where learning is natural and enjoyable, with a dynamic and balanced program that develops 21st century knowledge and skills, emphasizes exploration, observation and reasoning.

Students engage and inquire on a daily basis, learning to explore, hypothesize, collect evidence and communicate conclusions. They become thoughtful, inquisitive learners who can assess and thrive in challenging situations. Students are formally introduced to the core subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Languages, Arts & Craft, Social Studies, Religion and Computer & Technology.


Combined with mental math, there is a systematic progression of skills, a strong focus on real-life problem solving, and many opportunities for hands-on learning in every grade.

When additional practice or enrichment is needed, teachers may use a variety of other resources to meet the needs of individual students or the class. At each stage of learning there is an emphasis on critical thinking, development of a deep understanding of the concepts being taught, and on the acquisition of solid computational skills.

In addition to daily instruction in mathematics, there are many opportunities for students to use math in other subject areas. This helps our students understand the relevance and real-life applications of math outside the classroom. Our program is designed to enable all children to master comprehensive mathematical content, appreciate the inherent beauty of mathematics, and become confident mathematical thinkers.


Because the reading skills of young children develop at different rates, teachers in the primary grades provide reading instruction using materials for a wide range of ability and interest levels.

Teachers often work in small groups and with individual students to assure that every child is advancing, whether as a beginning or increasingly fluent reader. Comprehension, the ultimate goal of all reading instruction, is explicitly taught and practiced at every grade level and is the primary emphasis in grades three through five.
At all grades, students respond to literature in a variety of ways, whether in writing, orally, or through projects. They learn the structural elements and forms of stories, and participate in grade-appropriate literary criticism activities.

The library program supports the classroom reading and literature programs and provides many literacy-related events. Sustained silent reading and independent reading at home are important activities in all grades. There is required summer reading for grades four through eight.


Good writing is crucial not only to academic achievement but also to personal fulfilment and professional success. The purpose of writing instruction at Delsol is to develop each student’s talent for self-expression while expanding and deepening his or her ability to express those talents through the acquisition of good writing technique.

Delsol’s writing program focuses on the concepts of ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions (grammar, spelling, and punctuation), and presentation. Students write in virtually all subject areas and in a variety of forms, including stories, essays, research reports, poetry, and personal letters.


Attention to oral communication and speaking skills is woven into virtually every area of the curriculum in each grade. Through class sharing, oral reports, presentations at the Morning Assembly and other assemblies, plays, classroom discussions, and role playing, students are taught to speak with poise and confidence, whether in front of their classmates or in front of the entire school.


Delsol’s elementary grade students learn about science not only from books and videos but also from participating in hands-on activities that encourage them to experience for themselves the processes, joy, and fascination of science. The ultimate goal of Delsol’s science program is to actively engage our students in scientific inquiry and empower them to participate confidently and successfully in an increasingly scientific and technological world.

Our science lab provides an environment that nurtures students’ interest in scientific observation and experimentation. Delsol’s science goals are closely aligned to Next Generation Science Standards. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S.T.E.M.), along with science-related communication skills, are integral parts of the school’s science program.


Delsol’s social studies program is designed to help students understand the world in which they live, including the geographic, cultural, political, and economic systems of their own and other nations. While gaining a sense of the placement of important historical events in time, students develop a respect for the rights of others, gain insights into how people can effectively live and work together, and their responsibilities as citizens.
In all grades the social studies curriculum is integrated with a variety of subjects such as reading, writing, science and geography.


Acquiring languages other than English and Urdu and having a basic understanding of other cultures are important skills in today’s world. Delsol’s language program lays the foundation for our students in these critical areas.

The primary goals of the language program are: increased awareness and appreciation of different cultures around the globe; an understanding of the value of communicating in another language; and, acquisition of basic words and phrases.


The library is the heart of Delsol’s educational resources and its literacy programs, with over 15,000 volumes and extensive pre-filtered, age-appropriate books.

During their weekly class visit to the library, students listen to a story or chapter being read aloud, discuss books, learn about authors, and check out recreational or curriculum-specific books. Many library activities support classroom instruction.

There is an array of library-sponsored programs that encourage and support literacy, including a book fair each year.

Delsol’s librarian is an important resource for students, whether for suggestions on books for interest-based reading or for help in locating information for reports and research.


Teachers and students in the elementary grades access computer lab for whole or small-group instruction. Our dedicated Lab is equipped with new computers and a full-time technology specialist teacher. In the weekly technology classes, students receive computer/technology instruction designed to enhance their use of technology in their daily lives. The ethical and safe use of online technologies is an important element of the curriculum.


Delsol’s Arts & Craft program is the most exciting activity for students of all grade levels (Elelementary-High School). Our fun filled curriculum focuses on different elements of art such as drawing techniques, still life, oil and water colour painting, pastel work, clay modelling, recycling, charcoal work, acrylic painting, paper craft etc.

Art and creativity teach problem-solving, which is a critical skill for success in life. By engaging in artistic activities and study, students develop confidence in their abilities, improve hand-eye coordination, gain self-esteem & self-expression, learn to innovate, become creative and enhance their decision-making skills.

Our yearly Grand Art Exhibition provides our students the opportunity to exhibit their creative work to the community.

Physical Education & Sports

Life-long fitness, teamwork, sportsmanship, and leadership skills are important aspects of Delsol’s physical education (P.E.) program, taught by two full-time physical education specialists.


The physical education program emphasizes skill-building for team and individual sports while incorporating activities that promote coordination, fitness, and physical development.


Students have the opportunity to learn and improve their skills in Soccer, Cricket, In-Line skating and Taekwondo.

Delsol students (Girls & Boys) compete in leagues and tournaments representing the school teams of Cricket, Soccer & Taekwondo.


Delsol’s performing arts is an integral part of our academic program that provide students with the opportunity to engage the mind, the body, and emotions, expand their imagination and help them develop their own, unique voice. Students explore and express great themes and ideas through their performance, allowing them to develop their self- confidence and self- belief, and find joy in self-expression.

Students meet twice weekly with our art and music specialist teachers. Music, drama and public speaking are a part of the curriculum.